House of Scuba Rental Policies

  • Gear needs to be returned the following day no later than 1 hour before close of business (current gear return cutoff times are: 5:00 pm M-F, 4:00 pm Sat & Sun)
  • If rental gear is not returned on the scheduled day, extra days will be charged as needed
  • Rental requires a valid photo I.D. (Driver's License or Passport), as well as a Scuba Diving Certification Card
  • All parties that will use rental gear must sign a liability waiver provided by the shop
  • Required Security Deposit (Cash or Credit Card), ask store for details
  • Security Deposits will not be returned until ALL rental gear has been returned
  • Rental fees must be paid at time of pickup
  • If possible, please try to start the rental process at least 1 hour before close of business. It takes time to fit and put together your custom rental package
  • No refunds or credits are issued for unused rental gear
  • Please check rental gear and tanks before leaving the shop
  • Renter accepts full responsibility for any loss or damage of rental gear and will be charged replacement or repair cost
  • Rinse all rental gear prior to return to House of Scuba. Customers returning equipment not adequately cleaned will be charged a cleaning fee of $10.00 per set
  • Rental time extension requires prior approval. Please contact us before extending rental time
  • Tanks must be returned with at least 300 psi. Tanks with less than 300 psi will require a visual inspection at a charge of $6.00 per tank

Rental Cards:

  • We offer "Rental Cards": Rental cards are 5 days of our package gear (wetsuit, weights, bcd, regulator set up, & a tank) at a discounted price. These 5 days of rental can be used as a block, individually, or any combination of these. Great way to save money!
  • Contact our shop to get an easy-to-use rental card
  • Rental Cards can only be used by the one person who the card is issued to and can only be used for one scuba package rental per day


  • Rentals for classes being taken at House of Scuba must be coordinated with shop staff to ensure proper discounts are applied
  • If you are interested in learning about classes at House of Scuba and the discounts we offer our students, contact us by phone, in person, or online at House of Scuba - Lessons

Check availability: